Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 9, 2012

So the mail system here is terrible. If you wrote me a letter I will prob be getting it tomorrow. I'm going to start copying and pasting the email to my president on here and then added other stuff to it. It will make emailing a lot quicker and you still get all of the information. I hope you all had a great 4th of july! Sister Andrus and I went to a lunch bbq and a dinner bbq. It wasn't a very productive day but it was an enjoyable day and we got to visit with a lot of the recent converts which was much needed! I gave my first talk in church yesterday and I had my first two baptisms yesterday! It was an amazing Sunday! Sundays have always been my favorite but, mission sundays are really the best! So at FHE a week ago I had my first crazy experience. We were playing backwards charades. So one person had to guess what our whole group was acting out. Well my group was acting out a dance party. no big deal right? So I'm jumping up and down dancing haha and all of a sudden a guy member grabs my hands and starts trying to dance with my. I was trying to get away and he wouldnt let go of my hands.  I look at Sister Andrus and she is freaking out she almost ran up and pushed him away from me ha. It was so awkard because in real life thats not a big deal and I would of been like what ever. But as a missionary it felt so weird and I was freaking out. haha. I see him at all of the activities and just cant stand to look at him ha. He is weird too. At the evening bbq on the 4th he was there. and they were having a pool party. So of course everyone is swimming but us and the elders. great fun ha. and he was in the pool. and he has a tat. i very hilarious, rediculous tat. i will send a pic so you can see first hand what i saw. the elders were kind enough to get a pic for me. anways thats my story for the week. crazy single so not my type men trying to dance with me at FHE. love you! i hope that you got all the pictures that i sent! you will have to let me know what you think! and did you get the ones in my last emial? so not to scare you or anything but sister andrus and i harvest and work in the GETTO! people have grilz and talk getto talk. ha. the have gold teeth with stars and there initails and all that jazz. its crazy. but i love it. the lord knows the people who are ready to hear the gospel and so we just go where he tells us to. majority of the time we end up in the getto. ha. the entire missions goal this month is to get 100 baptisms! its going to be challenging but i know that we can do it! :) with the Lords help all things are possible! also mom could you tell tony and lani thanks for the email that they sent me. i will get around to writing them back, as you know i am just super busy! give lani a hug for me too! i have absolutly loved reading in the BOM. i am reading the best things ever! if you get the time ready alma 26. not only does it have my fav verse(12) in it but... its the best chapter! i love love love it. it has helped me a lot this week! so every night we do this thing called i love yous. after we are in bed we just say at least three reasons why we love our comp and one of the things we learned that day and one of the things we want to work on or do the next day. i know that this has strengthen mine and my comps relationship and i am sure it would work wonders on any marriage. its something so simple but so powerful. my companion has helped me to see my strength by the things that she loves me for. such as faith, being selfless and loving everyone with my whole heart. those are things that i feel like i always lack but because she pointed them out to me i feel more confident about those things. I am so grateful for the gospel. The mission is strengthing my relationship with my Heavenly Father daily and i know that i am experiencing a change of heart. and that i am becoming who he wants me to be! i am so grateful for all of you. i have the best family ever. and i realize that now that i am out here. The lord has blessed our family with so many things. We are a family forever. All of us are still one family. We are not split or broken. and that is such a great blessing. No one here has two parents or knows where their parents are. no one here has that blessing. stay strong! and keep up the great work family! i miss you all so much! and i look forward to hearing from you, as always! 

     I am learning so much and I continue to grow daily. One of the things that I want to work on this week is putting all of my trust in the Lord. Not some of it or most of it but, all of it. Some of the ways I am going to do this is by praying and strengthening my person faith in the Savior and the power of the atonment. I am so grateful to be here but I have been mission home. I know that as I put all of my trust in Lord and focus on His work that I will not miss home. I will realize that this is home, this is where I am supposed to be. I absolutly love my companion. Sister Andrus is amazing and she has a powerful testimony. One that she desires to share with everyone. She is strengthening me and helping learn the importance of missionary work and why we are all here serving in Florida. One of the things I want to do this week to strengthen our companionship is to just get to know her better. I feel like this would help us feel even more comfortable with one another and help create an even stronger companionship. Also to just tell her how grateful I am for her as often as I think about it. Earlier this week we went to an apartment complex to visit a person we had blessed. On the way to his apartment door we saw a guy walking by. And so I said hi and knew that Sister Andrus would stop him so that we could talk to him. She too said hi, nice to meet you as she was putting her planner away. There was a lack of approaching him when we said hi. He could of easily kept walking because all we had done was said hi. But he stopped and was just looking at us. As Sister Andrus and i looked up from putting our planners away on not paying attention, we immediately walked over to him, got to know him a little bit and asked if we could bless him. The spirit was there and we invited him to be batized. He said yes i will and he committed to July 15. he said that he had been talking with his friends about baptism and that it was something he had been wanting to do. I learned from that experience that we have to always be ready to approach someone. To drop what ever we are doing and run to the children that Heavenly Father has prepared for us to teach. It breaks my heart to think that someone who has such strong desires could of easily kept walking just because i wasn't paying attention. He didn't make it to church on Sunday but I know that he will be baptized and that we just need to get a hold of him again. I am so grateful for this gospel and for the many ways that  I am being blessed. I want more than anything for every person that we talk to to be baptized so that they can receive those blessings and strengthen their relationship with their Heavenly Father. I know that harvesting works. It allows the Spirit pierce their hearts and to have the desire to do what ever it takes to always have that feeling and to strengthen their relationship with God. I feel so blessed to have been able to witness the two investigators that we found last week get baptized yesterday. I felt so much joy and I know that their lives have been changed forever. I look forward to this upcoming week and finding those that the Lord has prepared to hear and heed to his gospel!
with ALL my love, sister johnson 
madeline baptism
david baptism
fourth of july fireworks
crazy guys tat

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