Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 29, 2013

The Moronta family. The husband isn't a member neither are the two grand kids in the front. We are working with our bishop to help them. We love them though! They are great! 

After a long day of work........

Johnson Family,

I am so happy that Jake was able to go to the temple on Saturday. We are all growing up! its weird! I never thought it will all work out like this but its great! The Lord is blessing our family in so many ways! Something that I have learned this week is the importance of having an attitude of gratitude! It changes the way we see everything! I'm grateful for many things some of them being, the gospel, family, friends, the opportunity to serve, learning experiences, the beauty of the earth.... I could go on forever! As we remind ourselves of these things then we are able to better feel the love our Savior has for us!
This past week I went on exchanges to Miami, Florida (again)! I had a great time, as always. When I was in Miami, in the morning Sister Eldridge and I ran to the pier that isn't too far from the house! It was beautiful! The sun was rising, there were a lot of fishermen at the end of the pier trying to catch something. The water there was so clear. At 20ft you could still see the bottom. We got to see a few sting rays one was huge! As you stood at the end of the pier and looked back to the shore all you could see were the tall, tall buildings all along the shore! It was a tender mercy to go there and to see nature!
Our area is struggling a little in the fact that we have yet to find someone in these past few weeks but, Sister Tuia have the faith and we know that we will be led to those who are prepared the receive the restored gospel into their lives! I studied from one of my all time favorite talks by Elder Holland this week. It's the one he gave in last years general conference. It's offered a lot of motivation and encouragement! Here are a few of my favorite quotes from it, "What I need, Peter, are disciples—and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do."
"To all within the sound of my voice, the voice of Christ comes ringing down through the halls of time, asking each one of us while there is time, “Do you love me?” And for every one of us, I answer with my honor and my soul, “Yea, Lord, we do love thee.” And having set our “hand to the plough,”we will never look back until this work is finished and love of God and neighbor rules the world.." this is the wonderful opportunity that I have been given at this time! All day every day to show the Lord that I love him by sharing his gospel to others! Its not always easy but it is definitely worth it!
To help the work hasten in our area, Sister Tuia and I have started a 40 day fast with our ward. We sent around a sign up sheet and each family chose a day that they would be willing to fast for 3 things. 1. Families and individuals to be prepared to enter the temple when it is completed 2. activation and reactivation of worthy priesthood holders 3. someone the missionaries can visit. We are really excited to see the blessings that come from this. We know it will really unite our ward as well as us as missionaries to our ward. We will be able to help those who have been prepared because we will be striving to be selfless and show our love to God through fasting. I look forward to sharing miracles with you that we see from this!
It sounds like everyone is enjoying their summer! Bri's dance outfit is adorable! Jake leaves so soon I can't believe it! From my end it doesn't seem real because I'm not there for all the hustle and bustle. He will have to make sure to send me his email and his MTC address, or maybe you could help him out with that mom haha. He will prob forget to send it to me.
I love you all, more than I can share through an email!! I hope you can feel it all the way from here! Because I am still there! The mission is the best, I love it so much here! My life has been changed forever, no doubt. I'm excited to hear from you next week! Be safe, know I love you, have a fun week!
sister johnson

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

 Florida, Sunshine State!!
 Sis Clayton and I reunite! We lived together in Palm Beach and we got to go on an exchange this past week.
 Stuck in traffic.....
 Mini golf with some elders....
This is the Florida Fort Lauderdale Zone! The best one in the mission! I have served in this zone for my whole mission! (except for 3 months of it) it has been fun to come back and to serve here as a leader! When I first came I never would of that of it! I hope you enjoy these pics! I LOVE YOU!

Sweet Family Of Mine,
This week has flown by! In fact, I had to take a minute to gather my thoughts so I could put together an email. I have just over an hour to email and majority of the time is taken e-mailing President on the progress of the sisters that we are over. So please forgive for the lack of information and stories this past while. I try to do my best at managing my time and I hope you understand! First off, I love you all very much! I pray for your happiness daily and know that the Lord is watching over each one of you! I am grateful for the power of prayer and the comfort of the spirit! It sounds like everyone enjoyed the lakes this weekend! I look forward to next summer! I am going to live at the lake, just so you know! I am excited for Jake to go to the temple this weekend! He is already doing missionary work and this will continue to help him while he prepares to leave in a month! Time goes by so fast! I enjoy hearing from him each week! We are best buds now! I got some mail this week which was really nice! it had been a while! A few friends wrote me and well as Grandma Johnson. There was a missionary here who just returned from his mission. He served in IF. When I introduced myself as Sister Johnson he said, "do you have family in IF?" I said yes I do. He then said I know your grandma and I was like there are a lot of Johnson your prob don't and then he was like I saw your picture in her living room. (my first thought, 'what a creeper' haha) no just teasing. I guess he when and saw Grandma. He served in her ward just before Christmas. It was Elder Workman. I don't know if she will remember him or not. What a small world. I also got pics from the primary kids and that was real cute! They are all growing up! We took some boys out this week with us. They are cousins and are both preparing to serve. On the two days they came out with us we saw great miracles! We knocked into someone that goes went to school with and he asked them if he could offer them a prayer! it was very bold of him and we were proud of him! Then when Danny came out with us he invited someone to church and he said he would come! (he didn't but that's okay) They both did a fantastic job! We also took Mike, our recent convert, who we love so much, to a lesson with us and he did amazing! The spirit was so strong and he was really able to help our investigator understand the blessings that come through baptism and keeping the commandments! I'm excited for Mike and Ariana to get married! They are great friends! I will have to drive out to their sealing in AZ in April prob. We will see. Mike also fed us this week! He is also helping us out! We call him our big brother! Going on exchanges twice a week has been really good. I enjoy going with all the different sisters and to different areas to see how the work is going there. I am constantly striving to become a better example and a better person. I know a lot of people watch me and what i do- so I want to do my best! Sister Tuai and I get along pretty well. I know she gets frustrated with me sometimes because she feels like I dominate the companionship. I set some goals this week to help her feel like that is not the case because its not. Its also hard to regroup after each exchange! I've learned a lot from that. we are also striving to improve our communication! its a very nice day today! I'm not sure what we will be doing for p-day. They go so fast anyways! I'm at the point in my mission where I really have to work hard to focus and give it all I have. I've been studying about sacrifice and turning my heart to the lord. I feel like these are things that I have been striving to do my whole mission and will prob strive to do my whole life. Sacrifice is always accompanied by prayer, devotion, dedication, gratitude, and acknowledging my duty to God. This has been a trial for me but one that has brought great miracles and blessings. "we can not always see the end from the beginning" I am striving to take one day at a time and do my very best each day. I am forever grateful for this opportunity i really have to stretch and grow! There is no room for decreasing!

thank you for all of your support in helping me have this opportunity to serve! I hope you are seeing blessings from my service as a I see many daily. I love you all with my whole heart! I will be there in spirit this weekend as you go through the temple! Enjoy your week family and I will talk to you soon!

Bear Lake trip looked like so much fun! I am beyond excited for Brandon! Paris will be a dream! I am so proud of him that he decided to go! I cant believe Jake is going to the temple Friday, that will be great! 

with all my love, sister brooke johnson

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 15, 2013

F-A-M-I-L-Y: mine is forever!
Hey hey, it sounds like every one had a fun, busy week! just like mine! don't be mad, I forgot my camera cord so I can't send pics today but I will send double next week! so it will be a treat! Things here in south Florida are going fantastic! it rains every day! we try to stay dry for about 5 min and then we give in and get soaked for the day! its supposed to rain all this week too! I'm just going to start to wear a garbage bag for a dress! we had to go to the ER last week... don't freak out everything is fine! Sister Tuia had a growth growing on her eye and no where else was open so they sent us to the ER. it was really boring and a typical dr visit. we sat there for an hour and a half, the dr comes in and says, " oh ya that is weird, I will give you some eye drops for it but you need to go to the eye dr." and then he walked away. i about died i couldn't believe it. but it was to be expected. last pday we went and ate on the beach with Ariana and her sister Cristina! it was a lot of fun and a beautiful day for sure! (pics will come next week).

As i Iwas studying in Enos this week I realized the great importance for me to step up my game! I too get stuck into ruts sometimes and don't even realize it! verse 12 really stood out to me and helped me to know of what i need to do to become better " and it came to pass that after i had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: i will grant unto thee according to thy desires because of thy faith." From this verse i found three areas i need to improve on 1. Prayer 2. Faith and 3. diligence. I know that as i do this, that the Lord will bless me with the righteous desires of my Heart and that is to brings others unto him through faith, repentance and baptism. I am excited for this week! there are many things that i need to APPLY to become a better representative of Jesus Christ and i am ready to repent and make the changes!
One of the miracles i saw this week was when we were able to meet with a less active part member family and to see evidences of repentance. we taught a lesson on the sabbath day and they all committed to coming to church. the father has been less active for years now. he really opened up during the lesson. we were excited that he accepted to come to church but it really showed as we were walking out the door he said, "sisters, when are you coming back? this sat at 7 works..." we were so happy! he showed a desire to make changes! although their family was not at church yesterday, we know that their is great potential in helping this family become active as well as helping the mother to be baptized!

I cant believe that July is almost half way done! I don't understand how time is going so fast! its a love hate deal. Jake leaves really soon on his mission! I am so proud of him! talking to him each week has really been a blessing for the both of us! We are super close now! Jake is my best friend! He's going to serve a fantastic mission and I am so happy for him! love him every min until he leaves. its what he needs! be patient with him! I'm going to spoil him all I can while he is in the MTC  because i don't think we will be able to send too much to Mexico. Life to me feels like one big dream. Ever since i graduated HS its gone so fast and so much happens! with all that being said though oh how grateful i am for my family, friends and the gospel! my life is so amazing! and i want to share it with everyone! i hope that you have a great week! i know you have a fun one planned! i look forward to hearing about it next week! I love you all forever!

xoxoxo love sister brooke johnson

Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

1. mini golf
2. mike and Ariana right before his baptism
3. happy 4th of July. me with sister bean on exchanges
4. raccoon at golf course
hello lovely family,
Its been an amazing week. Let me share with you what I can remember as of right now:
MIRACLES are every where every day. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve. Sister Tuai and I had the great opportunity to see a loved one enter the waters of baptism on Saturday. Mike is incredible! He is 24 so really he should be taught by YSA but we got special permission for many reasons to be able to teach him. Clearly it is what the Lord wanted. We consider him our older brother. He works at a vet place with dogs every day and hates it haha but its a job. He is the youngest in his family. His parents didn't support him in being baptized at all. It was very hard on him. He has become a best friend for sure. He also proposed on Friday night to Ariana who we LOVE! She has been less active for quite a while but Mike has brought her back. Its amazing. She lives in Arizona though and will be leaving Friday to go back. That's another sealing Sister Tuai and I will be able to go to :) Teaching Mike has been a great experience and has helped me to greater understand the atonement. His baptism was one of the most spiritual baptismal services I have ever been to. You could just feel the approval of our Heavenly Father with the decision he had made to be baptized and confirmed. He shared his testimony and with tears streaming down his face he expressed how gratifying it felt to be baptized. He shared his journey in preparing for baptism and how much it has changed his life. On Sunday, he also bore his testimony! it was amazing! He brings the spirit so powerfully with him where ever he goes! What a blessing it is to be a part of such experiences! We also had two of our investigators show up for the baptism that we weren't expecting to come! That was the cherry on top! It was a beautiful day one I will never forget. After the baptism Ariana's family from Arizona who came just for the baptism took us out to lunch to BJs. It was really yummy. I hadn't had that good of strawberry lemon aid for a long time.
A few more details on the baptism we had the previous week. We taught German for about 5 weeks. He is from Mexico and speaks little English. Sister tuai who is amazing at Spanish taught most of the lessons. I did what I could. Between his broken English and my broken Spanish we are able to communicate haha. It took so long for him to be baptized because he was living her without ID. So he had to apply for a new visa. Then he had to have his mom whos in Mexico find his birth certificate to send it. After he received both of those things( it took about two weeks) we had to their marriage license (one week process) then they were finally able to be married! He is going to be a great priesthood holder! He is working on the Ft Lauderdale temple right now and we keep telling him that in a year he can be sealed there! He says its beautiful on the inside. He is actually doing the tile in the bathrooms dad. I thought you might find that interesting :)
 Now Sister Tuai and I are trying to find more people here. Both the baptisms we have had have been from members. That goes to show the importance of member missionary work. We have a different family feeding us almost every night this month. That's a huge blessing. They also buy us things for our pantry so we are getting well taken care of in this area. Its been a great blessing. There is an Olive Garden right across the street and I still haven't gone! I will sometime soon its my fav so I have to. I still have a meal left of the card dad sent for my birthday. :)
Working with all the sisters in our group of sisters can be overwhelming at times. We have a companionship that is really struggling at this time and it gets pretty intense at times. I'm learning a lot from them and have been blessed with the ability to offer council.
This past p-day we went mini golfing it was a lot of fun. There were raccoons running all over the course it was random haha. Today we are going to Hollywood Beach with Mike and Ariana for lunch I am looking forward to it. We have another busy week with meetings and trainings. The weeks are just going by way too fast. I cant even keep up with everything. I appreciate hearing from all of your wether its email or mail. its so good to hear whats going on and how every things going. I would love to hear another mission story when you get the time dad! I love those. Well I have to get going we have lots to do today! I love you all so so so much! I look forward to writing next week! I keep you all in my prayers daily! Talk to you soon!
with all my love xoxoxoxox
sister johnson

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013

1. Helping Alicia get ready for the baptism- so fun
2. Me and Sister Tuai, my wonderful comp
3. Temple! I cant wait to go again! 
4.  Sis Sablon and I at specialized training.  It was fun to see all of the sister that are up north!  I miss serving
     with all of them!  It was one big reunion!

5. Baptism- German was so happy! he is always smiling! he is one of the happiest people i have ever met. 
6.  Wedding - it turned out so well!  There was so much help from the ward members!  They put together
     all of the decorations and the food!  We are very grateful for their service!
7.  Cutting the cake!  Yay!
8.  my cute rain coat in use its been raining all the time here now

Don't like not having a lot of time to e-mail. I am sorry I was unable to email a lot of info today but thank you so much for your emails mom and dad! It is so good to hear from you both! I want to share with you some pics from the wedding and baptism! It was one of the greatest blessings I've seen on my mission!

i love you so much!
xoxox sis brooke johnson