Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 22, 2013


April 22, 2013

Hello Family,

So I am sure you are all wondering what happened with me... its kinda
really crazy actually. I am serving in Davie now with Sister Steg and
Merrill. We are in a trio and we are having too much fun :) we are the
dream team! I am living in my old apt. which was weird at first but now it
feels really good to be back. We cover Davie and Pines area but due to time
and car miles and everything we are mostly working in Davie and then on
Sundays going to both wards. We are doing a lot of splits with the ward
members so we can get everything done and keep the work going in both

For p-day last week we went to Hollywood Beach and it was a lot of fun.  Both the Davie and Nova sisters came so it was a good time! I also went to a RS activity on Tuesday and we learned how to make homemade noodles. Talk about time consuming! I got my tooth fixed which is a
great blessing! I am so glad it didn’t cost anything!

I am so excited for Jacob and can’t wait to see where he will be going! I am
more nervous for him too than I was for getting my call! But don’t tell him
that! He will love his mission where ever he goes and he will do an
incredible job! I finished reading the Book of Mormon again! I love reading
it! I know that it is the word of God! Every page testifies of our Savior
Jesus Christ!

We have been biking every day! Let me tell you- I am out of shape! Bad! We
also run in the morning! Hopefully it will ease up a bit after I keep
working at it. I actually like biking during the day. It gives me time to
think and it relieves any stress. After receiving a blessing on Fri my
hives are now gone. I had them every morning and night for two weeks. I
don’t know what it was but I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood!

I love the pic that you send mom of you and all your sisters and mom! You
all look so great! And dad thank you for sharing with me what you learned
in stake conference! I have gotten really lazy when it comes to writing and
emailing people. Sometimes I feel like I am writing the same thing each
week! Everything just blends into one story. Exciting news! We had a
baptism on Sunday! Her name is Angelica and she’s 14. She’s so fun and she
was so happy after her baptism! I am excited for her to be in YW and to
start on her personal progress!

I feel good. I feel more like myself right now. I am happy and finally feel
like I am where I’m  supposed to be for the transfer. Heavenly Father has
blessed me so much these past few weeks to have the ability to just keep
trusting in him and keep pressing forward. It was a little bit of a roller
coaster ride but I made it through.

So... the assistants live in the apt in the building next to us and I had a
bright idea one night.... it was about 9pm and we stopped at the mission
home to drop off the baptismal program to President Anderson because his  son in
law was going to make more programs for us. As we got there, there was a
HUGE  frog  in the middle of the drive way. Bigger than the size of my hand.
I wanted to catch it. So I got a Chinese box we had in the car with cookies
in it and I caught the frog.... it gets better... then we broke into the
elders apt with a subway card and put the HUGE frog in their tub... it was
hilarious. They are being sneaky though and they haven’t said anything about
it. They are just going to get us back really good. I’m kind of scared
actually ha-ha.

Well that’s about my week in a nut shell! I can’t wait to hear where Jake
gets his call! Family, I miss you, everyday! And I love you so much! Thank
you for helping me to be out here and to have the best experience of my
life! I love being a missionary and I wouldn’t change a thing about where I
am at right now in my life! I get to chat to you for mother’s day in like 3
weeks! I'm not counting down or anything ;) I love you and will talk to you
next week!

sis Johnson

1. at the beach
2. we forgot to have the guy baptizing up plug the font so we were trying
to do it haha
3. The three of us on Sunday. Yes I am short ha.
4. Sis Clayton and I at the end of last transfer waiting for call

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! -----------------

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

first off - i love you all so much!
This letter is just going to be full of information! I will try to make it flow and sound good. Oh wait that's what I always try to do ha. My new area is called Pines. I am in the Pembroke Pines/Weston area. It is a very rich, white area. Almost all of the area has gated communities. If you hear I am in jail you will know that I got caught sneaking through a gate ha just teasing we will figure something out! Member work is going to be huge, if not everything, here! The ward is incredible. Someone signed up to feed us every night this week. As if I don't eat enough all ready ha. Some of the YSA from Nova (my first area) are in my ward so that makes it really fun to be able to talk with them and see them! There is a member of the ward who we ate dinner with yesterday and she is a dentist (amazing or what?) she said she will fix my tooth for FREE!. She is just going to put a temporary filling in because the filling has just fallen out. She said it will last til I get home when I can get it done.
Don't freak out- I've had hives for a whole week! idk what is going on. They come only in the morning and sometimes at night. Luckily they haven't happened for twoish days so I hope they are gone. Life's great though. I've just gotten used to being itchy all the time.
Our apartment is nice and big. Its just the two of us that live there so it can be a little quiet at times but that's okay I need quiet time. It was really dirty because no one has lived here for about 7 months and the last ones that were there were elders. I love them but they need to learn how to clean ha.  We are in the same district as the Davie and Nova sisters. So basically I am back to where I was but not really. I'm home but not at home. Its been the weirdest thing. We had a training in my old ward building the other day so I drove through my old area. It was bitter sweet. I feel so close to everyone but so not at the same time. Things will work out though I will get used to where I am and then they will move me again - that's how it works right?
Today I am going to finally buy a straightener. A good way to describe the ward is a "Utah ward". Lots of moms are pregnant and there are tons of kids. I love it. The work is slow right now but it is going to pick up fast! work work work. I also want to get my hair cut today. we will see if it actually happens. I cant wait any longer.
I'm sure you are all wondering about my new companion.  She has such a fun personality! We get along really well and have become great friends! We laugh all the time and we have a lot of similarities. Although all of this sounds perfect its not.  She will be going home tomorrow or Wed. Its heart breaking. I want her to stay more than anything and not just for me but for her!!! On Wed (the day of transfers) we got all the new things for our area and went and bought a few things at the store because there was nothing in our apt. That night we had a baptism at our ward because they were still doing missionary work even though they didn't have missionaries here (incredible). We went to the baptism, went and worked for an hour and then it was nine. Long day. Thursday I talked with her in the morning because I could tell something was wrong. At this point I am just in a daze. She chose to return home.
I'm sure you are wondering how I am doing and how I am feeling. I am doing great! I have received so much comfort. I don't think I have ever felt so close to the spirit before. Its been hard don't get my wrong, but I haven't worried once. I have really been sad that she is leaving because I know what she is going to miss out on - the best experiences in the best mission. She doesn't understand. She doesn't know. I will let you know how it all goes next week though. If I am in a new area. Who my new comp is. All the fun details. I had pics to send but forgot my cord! I will send them all next week
 Today for p-day I am going to write a few thank you cards and we are going to Hollywood Beach. I need time to think and breathe.  And I love the ocean. So what a better place than there? We are also going to YOGURT LAND with Shayna (my recent convert). I'm stoked! Its just what I need!
Well family thank you for the updates! It sounds like you had a great week! Thanks for the story dad! its one of my favorites! :) I look forward to hearing from you all next week. I can't thank you enough for all that you do and mean to me!
xoxoxo sister johnson

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

1. Daphka and Angela came to conference with us
2. the awesome district that I am leaving
3. Sis Clayton and I waiting for transfer calls last night
4. group of us at specialized training two weeks ago
Hello fam,
Well you all shared exciting news with me this week! as did my friends! I am glad that I can communicate with them on email. I will use almost all of my time to write the fam because I can use the rest of the day to hand write my friends. I can't believe Cassie is going to Japan- what an experience that will be. I prob would of swallowed a lung if I read Japan on my call letter haha. She will be a great sister missionary!  It sounds like everyone had a blast over spring break which makes me very happy!
I feel like I have so much to tell you every week. I get to the computer and because there are so many things I never know what to type first! I found out last night that I am getting transferred to a new area. and I will also be training a new missionary again. I'm sure you are wondering how I feel about this.... well the answer is - I don't know! for the most part I am really excited, as always! I wonder where I am going and my new comp will be like. I have learned a lot from my experiences with Sister Ellett and I am looking forward to improving and applying new things with my new trainee! This is going to be another big change but I know that with the Lords help I can do it! I can't wait to tell you next week all of the fun details! I personally am guessing that I am going to Port St Lucie or that I am going to Wellington. We will see if I am right! I would love to go back down south though! I want to serve in Miami! We will see!
Conference was incredible! I love conference! it goes by so fast on the mission. I feel like I only watched one session. I always get a little sad during the last one because I know its over for 6 more months! I can't wait to get the ensign and study the talks! all of the talks given on Sunday afternoon really hit home for me! I am so grateful for the restored gospel and the organization of the church!
I got a Easter package from Bobbie this past week! She sent a cute scarf, some cookies, and candy! I will write her a thank you card today! its so thoughtful of her! also Lani sent me an Easter package! I love her and Tony please let them know how grateful I am for them! I got as many packages at Easter as I did Christmas! as you can imagine I was a happy camper :) if you ever wonder if an outfit is mine in a pic when I send home it probably isn't. One of the wonderful things about the mission is that I have 3 other wardrobes on top of my own! What a nice feature right! I love it haha. We had a HUGE thunder storm this week. I didn't sleep at all that night for a couple reasons. I ate right before bed so i had a lot of energy. then I was thinking about everything. then the thunder storm happened and I thought our house was going to be hit by lightening. The thunder shook the house each time. I was really tired the next day because I slept a whole 2 hours that night!
Well that's about all I can remember right now! I have to go home and pack for the day! blah.... I hate packing! there are a total of 30 new missionaries that are going to be at transfers tomorrow! its going to be a good one :) don't worry I will tell you all about it next week! Jake didn't get on the comp today... send him my love. I hope that you all have a great week! I love you with all of my heart! talk to you on Monday!
all my love,
xoxoxxoxoxo sister johnson 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April , 2013

4. giant star fish
3. Ricks baptism
2. Sis Beck me and Sis Andrus
1. Sis Sablan and I at the end of exchanges

Hello family that I love so much!
Things are going a lot better because I feel better! Its been such a blessing to gain my health and strength back! Heavenly Father loves us and knows just what we need and when! Although I didn't enjoy being sick one bit I am grateful for the things that I learned during that time. Hopefully I won't get sick for a loooooong time! I would be perfectly okay with that! There is a new policy and we can email our friends now too! I am really excited about that! I can type way faster than I can write! I am glad I learned how to type fast- another blessing I didn't realize when I was in 7th grade trying to learn from Mr Haderlie hahaha. good times.
EXCITING NEWS: Sister Ellett and I had our first baptism on Sat! Our investigator Rick got baptized! I am grateful for the opportunity that I had to be a part of it! His favorite song is "Onward Christian Soliders" so we sang that for the opening and closing song at his baptism! It was awesome. President Anderson came to support us! He is so great! He truly does love each one of us missionaries! Our mission baptized 168 souls in the month of March! That is incredible! The work here is progressing so quickly is amazing! I am happy to be out here at this time and great change and excitement! There are ten sisters coming next week and twelve sisters that will be available to train them. So my chances of training again are very high. I will email on Tues next week because its transfer week- you are getting it down mom :) all this week I will wonder where I am going or if I'm staying or who my new comp will be or will I be training! the thoughts the week before transfers almost kill me every time ha. Its all good though I am excited to see whats going to be happening. I know that what ever happens is what the Lord wants and I will go and do what he wants me to do.
On Wed I went on exchanges to Boynton Beach South with Sister Sablan. We had a blast. She is a fireball! She has so much energy and excitement in here! She's a really happy positive sister! I learned a lot from her. I was still pretty sick that day though so she kinda had to drag me around haha. I regained all my strength back around Fri. On Fri we had a specialized training! It was so great to be able to see all the mission friends. At training we learned how to better teach the first vision- which I love! President Anderson is so inspired! I am so blessed to be serving in this mission. Its the best! I saw Sister Andrus and Sister Beck for the last time at specialized training. They both go home next week! I will miss them! That's okay they will go home and get married like everyone else haha. They are great sisters and I have learned soooo much from them!
Yesterday was Easter! I am glad Bri did and Easter egg hunt at grandpas! I actually wrote in our journal that we will be sending back and forth about a few memories that I have of going and doing Easter egg hunts and grandma and grandpas old house. Great memories! We had a great Easter Sunday... sorta. my comp got a migraine during sacrament so we left right after the first hour. On the way home she said she was going to throw up and asked me to pull over... well I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story. I tried to pull over as fast as I could. As soon as I put the car in park she lost it. half in car half out. We drove home and I cleaned the car. All I have to say is I hope my husband has a strong stomach because I don't know if I can handle cleaning that up! hahaha. Good old being sick experiences! She felt better though toward the late afternoon and we were able to get out and work! We also ate at a members home. It was a really simple meal which is just want I wanted! I made a really yummy lunch and was still full from that.
I can't believe that I only have 8 months left in the mission field. That's less than I've been out. Time is going by so fast! This is the best experience I have ever had! Thank you so much for the Easter package! I loved it! I got it last p-day right after emailing you! The magnet board looks really cute on my dresser! Bri did a great job of picking that out! between the 4 of us sisters we have enough Easter candy to last us years haha. Grandma Johnson also send me a package as well as Haile! So I was spoiled this last week and of course I loved it :) not like you already don't know but.... I turn 22 this month. Is that real life? It doesn't feel like it! I am getting old haha. I have been very blessed to not get too homesick. I feel bad for the missionaries that do. Your support and love really helps me still feel at home. Thank you for all that you do for me!
Well mom I hope you have a great week in Utah and dad, in Arizona and where ever else you and the boys are going :) I sure do love all of you with my whole heart! I look forward to writing you next week and tell you about transfer calls!!!! Let you know whats going to happen! Talk to you in a week!
xoxoxoxoxxo love, sister johnson