Sunday, April 7, 2013

April , 2013

4. giant star fish
3. Ricks baptism
2. Sis Beck me and Sis Andrus
1. Sis Sablan and I at the end of exchanges

Hello family that I love so much!
Things are going a lot better because I feel better! Its been such a blessing to gain my health and strength back! Heavenly Father loves us and knows just what we need and when! Although I didn't enjoy being sick one bit I am grateful for the things that I learned during that time. Hopefully I won't get sick for a loooooong time! I would be perfectly okay with that! There is a new policy and we can email our friends now too! I am really excited about that! I can type way faster than I can write! I am glad I learned how to type fast- another blessing I didn't realize when I was in 7th grade trying to learn from Mr Haderlie hahaha. good times.
EXCITING NEWS: Sister Ellett and I had our first baptism on Sat! Our investigator Rick got baptized! I am grateful for the opportunity that I had to be a part of it! His favorite song is "Onward Christian Soliders" so we sang that for the opening and closing song at his baptism! It was awesome. President Anderson came to support us! He is so great! He truly does love each one of us missionaries! Our mission baptized 168 souls in the month of March! That is incredible! The work here is progressing so quickly is amazing! I am happy to be out here at this time and great change and excitement! There are ten sisters coming next week and twelve sisters that will be available to train them. So my chances of training again are very high. I will email on Tues next week because its transfer week- you are getting it down mom :) all this week I will wonder where I am going or if I'm staying or who my new comp will be or will I be training! the thoughts the week before transfers almost kill me every time ha. Its all good though I am excited to see whats going to be happening. I know that what ever happens is what the Lord wants and I will go and do what he wants me to do.
On Wed I went on exchanges to Boynton Beach South with Sister Sablan. We had a blast. She is a fireball! She has so much energy and excitement in here! She's a really happy positive sister! I learned a lot from her. I was still pretty sick that day though so she kinda had to drag me around haha. I regained all my strength back around Fri. On Fri we had a specialized training! It was so great to be able to see all the mission friends. At training we learned how to better teach the first vision- which I love! President Anderson is so inspired! I am so blessed to be serving in this mission. Its the best! I saw Sister Andrus and Sister Beck for the last time at specialized training. They both go home next week! I will miss them! That's okay they will go home and get married like everyone else haha. They are great sisters and I have learned soooo much from them!
Yesterday was Easter! I am glad Bri did and Easter egg hunt at grandpas! I actually wrote in our journal that we will be sending back and forth about a few memories that I have of going and doing Easter egg hunts and grandma and grandpas old house. Great memories! We had a great Easter Sunday... sorta. my comp got a migraine during sacrament so we left right after the first hour. On the way home she said she was going to throw up and asked me to pull over... well I'm sure you can guess the rest of the story. I tried to pull over as fast as I could. As soon as I put the car in park she lost it. half in car half out. We drove home and I cleaned the car. All I have to say is I hope my husband has a strong stomach because I don't know if I can handle cleaning that up! hahaha. Good old being sick experiences! She felt better though toward the late afternoon and we were able to get out and work! We also ate at a members home. It was a really simple meal which is just want I wanted! I made a really yummy lunch and was still full from that.
I can't believe that I only have 8 months left in the mission field. That's less than I've been out. Time is going by so fast! This is the best experience I have ever had! Thank you so much for the Easter package! I loved it! I got it last p-day right after emailing you! The magnet board looks really cute on my dresser! Bri did a great job of picking that out! between the 4 of us sisters we have enough Easter candy to last us years haha. Grandma Johnson also send me a package as well as Haile! So I was spoiled this last week and of course I loved it :) not like you already don't know but.... I turn 22 this month. Is that real life? It doesn't feel like it! I am getting old haha. I have been very blessed to not get too homesick. I feel bad for the missionaries that do. Your support and love really helps me still feel at home. Thank you for all that you do for me!
Well mom I hope you have a great week in Utah and dad, in Arizona and where ever else you and the boys are going :) I sure do love all of you with my whole heart! I look forward to writing you next week and tell you about transfer calls!!!! Let you know whats going to happen! Talk to you in a week!
xoxoxoxoxxo love, sister johnson

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