Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

1. i made chicken pillows! they were super good
2. my side of the room
3. the new car (did i tell you i drive a 2013 Chevy Cruze? crazy right?)
4. me, Adin, and Areana before church

              Why settle for a cottage when you can have a castle?
I never thought I would be here. Not now, Not ever. I am serving as a representative of my Savior Jesus Christ in one of the Most amazing areas of His vineyard. How grateful I am for this opportunity! As of late I have found myself counting my blessings. Every day when things get hard (and they do) I start counting all of my many many blessings. These past few weeks I have felt every type of emotion every day. Love, peace, happiness, fear, relief, weak, strong, everything you can think of, I feel it everyday. What is most comforting to me is that then end of every day as I pour my heart out to my Savior, I know that through the atonement everything is going to be okay. Even better, everything is going to be great! Its going to be the way its supposed to be. I feel like Sister Linda Burton as she addressed us this last RS conference she said, " Though I don't feel equal to the responsibility placed upon me, I know that the call has come from the Lord through his [servant] and for now, that is enough." I know that I am here in this area for a reason and through the grace of God I will find it. In Sister Burton's talk she talks about the atonement being written in our hearts. I have recently pondered, "what is written upon my heart?" There are many things in my heart. Something I want to work on though is really having the atonement engraven in my heart not just written. This is also why 3 Nephi 13:21 has always been one of my favorite scriptures. It matters where our heart is and what is written in it. The heart is what physically keeps our body going. It is who we are.  I am learning a great deal about my Savior. Every night when we are out harvesting I always look up at the stars. The sky isn't filled here like it is back home but, it still uplifts my spirits and reminds me of my all knowing Creator, my Heavenly Father. The moon has been full too. It is amazing to think of all of Gods creations. It reminds me of the hymn, "for the beauty of the earth". As I meet each one of his children out here I am amazed at how unique and individual we all are. I met a guy this week named Evan. I gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon before really even talking with him. this is sorta our of routine. He started asking me  a lot of questions and it gave me the opportunity to testify of the Book of Mormon. The spirit was there helping him and I know that this is true and of God. I am so grateful for that opportunity that I had to testify and to gain a even deeper testimony of the Book of Mormon. Oh I love the mission. I hope this helps you catch a glimpse of everything I am feeling and seeing while here.
Gina sent me a package! with all of my favorites in it! She sent yummy Kneaders syrup and some things to make Alfredo! She also sent BOMs that had their testimony's in it. This was very touching. Tears were streaming down my face as I read what each person had written. Emma's, pierced my soul. I will send you what hers said next time. I am excited to hand them out to people. I also gave a few to Santi, Crystal and Sis Holyan to hand out.
Well let me try to tell you a little about my area. Its called Palm Beach for a reason ha. Palm trees line all of the roads its really pretty as you are driving down. All you see is palms trees lined up. Our actual area is pretty small. If you look on a map..... our west border is jog rd out east is the ocean. Our south is southern blvd and our north is Okachobee/Palm Beach Lakes. There some home work haha you can know exactly where I am at every day. We met the ward yesterday for the first time and it was overwhelming. Its a small ward but I felt like I needed to know everyone right then and remember all of their names and faces. So I wore myself out trying to do that. Never again ha. We had a family come to church! whoooo! Samuel, Daniel Areana(10) and Adin(2). I was super happy. They are working towards baptism but dont have a date yet. They still need to get married as well. That will be a good time! :) We were late for church because they were late getting ready and then they followed us. It all went well though! The other day we were at a members home and he had music playing in the back ground. I heard a song that I used to be able to play on the piano and it made me miss playing. Here it comes, you were right. I should of stuck it out. I do regret it! Why didn't you convince me that you were right haha. I used to be really good! I remember that song took me a long time to get and I practiced it a lot. and now its gone. but not for long. I am trying to find time to practice out here. We will see if it happens!
Last p-day we just rested I was so wore out! This p-day we are going to play sports with the Elders. Elder Call is in my zone! SV pride! It will be fun. We also get to eat and McDonalds for free here because a member owns it.
Things are going really well. This past week has been a lot better. I know that things will continue to just move a long. Press forward with faith, that's all I know how to do anything. I hope you have a wonderful week! Thank you for your love and support! Even though I'm all the way on the other side I can feel your love and its what keeps me going! I cant wait to talk to you next week!
sister johnson

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

So much has happened in the past few days that words fall short in expressing what I really feel. My heart and mind have been all over the place this past week. A lot, a lot, a lot has happened. First off I love that we have connections- Krista told you exactly where I am haha that's great. Sister Ellett is my new companion fresh from the MTC. She is from Utah and she is 24 years old. Together, we are opening up a new area in the mission. Its the Palm Beach Central area! It's a fairly small area compared to my last one but there are many here who need the gospel. We are going to work this place over and find all of the elect! Sisters have not been in this area for about 4 years is what I hear. It is a huge responsibility and at times I have felt the weight of it. When these times come the first thing I do is pour my heart out to my Heavenly Father and ask for His help. As I have done so, my heart has been filled with peace and I have been blessed with the strength to press forward. We live with the Spanish sisters which is nice! Its always fun to come home and be able to talk with other missionaries.
Wed was transfer meeting and that's when I found out all of the great news! We didn't get home til late because it took us an hour and  a half to drive home. crazy right? I am 50 miles away from my old area. I have thought about hitch hiking back a couple of times ;) I miss nova sooo much. because we got back late we only had an hour to work. so we went to work. then when we got home we unloaded the car and I began to unload all my stuff. It took me about three days to finally get everything where I wanted it. Our apartment is super super nice. Its the cleanest one on the mission I am sure. Its pretty big as well. I like it alot.
I don't know why but I am having a really hard time writing today. There is so much I want to tell you and I don't even know where to start. I want you to know that even though I have experienced a lot of change in my life this past week, I am still happy as ever! I am doing the Lords work! This is where he needs me. I know that there are people in this area who are waiting for me and I am going to find them with the Lord help! I have only met a few members of the ward because this past Sunday was stake conference. I got to see my first baptism, David, at conference and it was good to see and talk with him for a bit. You know, they may have moved me out of YSA but, they are here, they are everywhere I go. a lot of the leaders in my new ward are YSA and I have actually met a lot of them because they would come to nova for potlucks and firesides. Its been comforting to know that I will still be working with them! One of the YSA here, Gina, went to BYU-I and she had classes with Kiersten so, we took a pic and sent it to her! haha I told her to tell KB that she better write me, and shes going to, it worked :) I love meeting new people!
I teach with a lot of energy and excitement because its how I feel for the work. I love it, its what keeps me going every day. I have so much happiness in my heart from the gospel that when I meet someone to share it with I just explode with excitement. I feel bad, I have made her cry twice already. Not on purpose of course. I just pray everyday that I can be who she needs me to be and who the Lord needs me to be.
Its been a humbling experience for me. Opening an area, moving, getting a new comp, training. Wow I'm speechless. I know that in the strength of the Lord I can do all things. I know, I know, I KNOW IT! I miss nova sooo much. Sis Holyan was an amazing companion. We had the best two transfers ever! Oh and my recent converts, I miss them terribly! Luckily I can write them though. I would do anything for them. They are my joy! There are a couple other people that I miss so much at nova, its hard not being able to write everyone. I know it will all be okay though!
Heavenly Father has blessed me so much. When I stop and think about my life even for just a few min I am filled with gratitude for all that I have been given. I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. Confused at the grace that so fully he profers me... Oh it is wonderful that He would care for me, enough to die for me, oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me.
Family, I love you so much! I hope you know that and can feel it as well! I think about you all the time! Thank you for your love, your support, and most of all for being my family. Our family is eternal! We have Gods blessing as long as we keep are part! I promise that I will put my thoughts and feelings together better next week. Hopefully by then my heart will have stopped racing and I will be able to breathe! I cant wait to hear from you again next week! love love love you!
xoxoxoxxo Sister Johnson


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

Hello Family!
I have very exciting news. I will be transferring tomorrow as well as training a new sister missionary! The news came as a shock. Although it is a lot of responsibility and a huge change, I know that the Lord will bless me with the strength and guidance that I am in need of to fulfill his work! There are new areas opening up in the mission so I could even be going to a newly opened area! You will hear all the fun news next Monday when I email home :) packing has not been fun. I started last night and packed a little bit more before we headed out this morning. I haven't bought more sense I've been here but for some reason I am running out of room in my suit cases haha. I think its because I had you send me some blankets buts, its okay it will all fit! I haven't had a break down yet so I am pretty proud of myself. My comp Sis Holyan cried all night and told me how much she will miss me  and that it just won't be the same. I love her and we have become really great friends! I think she is also a little overwhelmed with taking over the area. She is going to do a fantastic job though! Brianna, thank you so much for the bookmarks and chocolate! We love them so much. We use our bookmarks in our scriptures so we see them everyday! I love you bri :) These past few weeks have been the best weeks ever! Sis Holyan and I have had so much fun! I am sad that I will be leaving all of my amazing recent converts! We had a baptism this Sunday! Shayna found through pinterest and requested missionaries to stop by. So we did and hey what do you know? She got baptized three weeks later! It would of been two but she was on a cruise the second Sunday. She has such a powerful testimony of our Savior and all she desires to do is to be like him and serve others like he did. She has strengthen my testimony in so many ways! She also taught an incredible lesson on charity and service at FHE last night! wow right? Our recent convert Matt passed the sacrament on Sunday for the first time! I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time! Our recent converts are making leaps and bounds as always. the Lord has prepared so many YSA at this time! I love it! I have never been happier in my entire life!
I am happy to hear that work is going well for you mom! It sounds like you are able to take everyone to school and I am sure the appreciate that a lot! There are always so many deer right there before Buger King- I am glad you haven't hit one yet and hope that you don't! I cant believe how cold it is at home! It just doesn't even seem real to me any more. As you know we have had our typical 80+ weather. I do miss seasons! especially fall! I am so excited for bris baptism! it is coming up very fast! I am looking forward to seeing pics and seeing everyones smiling faces! Its fun that she gets to wear Gracies dress! I bet she loves that! It sounds like everyone is getting sick! Thats not good! I will keep everyone's health in my prayers this week! Yes it was Selina that called you! She is 24 and she just moved here about two weeks ago from St George. She feeds us prob 3 times a week and she is always helping us out with the work here! She is an answer to our prayers here in nova. Shes going to get the ball rolling with the branch! I am super excited! Shes a sweetheart!

Well family, I am sorry this is a random/shortish email. My mind is thinking about too many things right now. I hope you all have a super great week! I love you soo much! Thank you for all that you do for me! Your love and support helps me every hour of every day! I can feel your love for me and I hope that you can feel mine for you in return! I cant wait to tell you all about my week on Monday! I feel like I will have a lot to share! Talk to you soon!
with all my love, sister johnson

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December 31, 2012

i heart you!!
dinner at Matt's on Christmas, he's in the back ground and that's his niece Kaylee
me opening my box of acorns hahaha
catching the lizard that was in our apt thanks to the assistants!!

Me and Tavon he's been growing his dreads for 4 years. Show this one to Jake please :)
Yoggy land
1. all of my gifts from the family
2.movies we got for Santiagos family
3. i love these guys! they are some of my recent converts - this is where my joy comes from

I cant believe i just talked to you last week! That truly was the best Christmas gift ever! Well, i am trying to think of what to share with you because a lot happened this past week! Santiago is a saint and he made Hawaiian hay stacks for lunch after we were don't talking! it was so yummy! that's the first time i have had them sense i got out here! for Christmas he got me a shoe box full of acorns. haha there are a lot of acorns here and one day i made the comment that when i get stressed, i smash acorns. so he got me a box full. it was funny. Then Christmas night, we ate dinner at our recent convert, Matt's, house. it was really good! we had ham, potatoes and the works. Matt is amazing and he is just making leaps and bounds in the gospel! Everyone looked great and happy on skype! i was so proud of myself for not crying haha i was super happy though to see everyone and it was amazing!
I have had a lot of my prayers answered lately. My testimony of the power of prayer has truly been strengthen and i am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who hears and answers our prayers. I know that we are able to receive person revelation through our communication with Him. I know He is there listening each and every time! we have been praying that we will be able to find YSA and that they will have cars. Last week, we met a lot of YSA who were interested in the gospel and the all had cars. imagine that! There are many other answers that i have received. 
I got a package from the Newman's, she sent some of her amazing toffee! mmm it is good! i thought that very nice of them! also, the girls at the bank sent me down east shirts! so thoughtful of them! i love and miss them! that job was the best job ever! The other day at church we learned about temple. i sure do miss going to the temple i cant wait to go again! it was reminding of the great opportunity that i had to go to Nauvoo and to do baptisms for the dead there. that was an incredible experience. thank you for helping me have that opportunity. Someday we will all have to go there. it is worth it all to be Joseph Smith was and to learn of the Church's history!  
Our mission had a goal of helping 150 souls come unto Christ this month and we were able to help 153! That is a lot of baptisms! Also, in the year 2012 the mission helped more than 1200 people come into the fold of Christ! This mission is incredible and we are so blessed in this mission! thank you so much for the opportunity mom, dad, and all who are helping me be out here. this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! i am so happy! so so happy!
I was reading in Alma the other day and i have a challenge for all of you( it is something that i just finished doing) it was one of the best studies that i have had. Read Alma chapters 23 & 24. It talks about conversion. In Alma 23:7 it states, "... they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God any more..." Choose one, or more, things that are holding you back from having a deeper conversion. Write them on a piece of paper and then "bury" them. I have done this once before and i am now doing it again. its the beginning of a new year tomorrow so its a great opportunity. i know that as i have done this in my life i have been able to feel more of the spirit in my life. and i promise that as you do this, you will have the same happen to you. Heavenly Father will pour our his spirit upon you as you strive to align your will with His. 
Well, its time for me to go grocery shopping! i love you all so much! i hope that you have a fantastic week! i will talk to you in one short week! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
xoxoxox sister johnson