Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

1. i made chicken pillows! they were super good
2. my side of the room
3. the new car (did i tell you i drive a 2013 Chevy Cruze? crazy right?)
4. me, Adin, and Areana before church

              Why settle for a cottage when you can have a castle?
I never thought I would be here. Not now, Not ever. I am serving as a representative of my Savior Jesus Christ in one of the Most amazing areas of His vineyard. How grateful I am for this opportunity! As of late I have found myself counting my blessings. Every day when things get hard (and they do) I start counting all of my many many blessings. These past few weeks I have felt every type of emotion every day. Love, peace, happiness, fear, relief, weak, strong, everything you can think of, I feel it everyday. What is most comforting to me is that then end of every day as I pour my heart out to my Savior, I know that through the atonement everything is going to be okay. Even better, everything is going to be great! Its going to be the way its supposed to be. I feel like Sister Linda Burton as she addressed us this last RS conference she said, " Though I don't feel equal to the responsibility placed upon me, I know that the call has come from the Lord through his [servant] and for now, that is enough." I know that I am here in this area for a reason and through the grace of God I will find it. In Sister Burton's talk she talks about the atonement being written in our hearts. I have recently pondered, "what is written upon my heart?" There are many things in my heart. Something I want to work on though is really having the atonement engraven in my heart not just written. This is also why 3 Nephi 13:21 has always been one of my favorite scriptures. It matters where our heart is and what is written in it. The heart is what physically keeps our body going. It is who we are.  I am learning a great deal about my Savior. Every night when we are out harvesting I always look up at the stars. The sky isn't filled here like it is back home but, it still uplifts my spirits and reminds me of my all knowing Creator, my Heavenly Father. The moon has been full too. It is amazing to think of all of Gods creations. It reminds me of the hymn, "for the beauty of the earth". As I meet each one of his children out here I am amazed at how unique and individual we all are. I met a guy this week named Evan. I gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon before really even talking with him. this is sorta our of routine. He started asking me  a lot of questions and it gave me the opportunity to testify of the Book of Mormon. The spirit was there helping him and I know that this is true and of God. I am so grateful for that opportunity that I had to testify and to gain a even deeper testimony of the Book of Mormon. Oh I love the mission. I hope this helps you catch a glimpse of everything I am feeling and seeing while here.
Gina sent me a package! with all of my favorites in it! She sent yummy Kneaders syrup and some things to make Alfredo! She also sent BOMs that had their testimony's in it. This was very touching. Tears were streaming down my face as I read what each person had written. Emma's, pierced my soul. I will send you what hers said next time. I am excited to hand them out to people. I also gave a few to Santi, Crystal and Sis Holyan to hand out.
Well let me try to tell you a little about my area. Its called Palm Beach for a reason ha. Palm trees line all of the roads its really pretty as you are driving down. All you see is palms trees lined up. Our actual area is pretty small. If you look on a map..... our west border is jog rd out east is the ocean. Our south is southern blvd and our north is Okachobee/Palm Beach Lakes. There some home work haha you can know exactly where I am at every day. We met the ward yesterday for the first time and it was overwhelming. Its a small ward but I felt like I needed to know everyone right then and remember all of their names and faces. So I wore myself out trying to do that. Never again ha. We had a family come to church! whoooo! Samuel, Daniel Areana(10) and Adin(2). I was super happy. They are working towards baptism but dont have a date yet. They still need to get married as well. That will be a good time! :) We were late for church because they were late getting ready and then they followed us. It all went well though! The other day we were at a members home and he had music playing in the back ground. I heard a song that I used to be able to play on the piano and it made me miss playing. Here it comes, you were right. I should of stuck it out. I do regret it! Why didn't you convince me that you were right haha. I used to be really good! I remember that song took me a long time to get and I practiced it a lot. and now its gone. but not for long. I am trying to find time to practice out here. We will see if it happens!
Last p-day we just rested I was so wore out! This p-day we are going to play sports with the Elders. Elder Call is in my zone! SV pride! It will be fun. We also get to eat and McDonalds for free here because a member owns it.
Things are going really well. This past week has been a lot better. I know that things will continue to just move a long. Press forward with faith, that's all I know how to do anything. I hope you have a wonderful week! Thank you for your love and support! Even though I'm all the way on the other side I can feel your love and its what keeps me going! I cant wait to talk to you next week!
sister johnson

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