Wednesday, January 2, 2013

December 31, 2012

i heart you!!
dinner at Matt's on Christmas, he's in the back ground and that's his niece Kaylee
me opening my box of acorns hahaha
catching the lizard that was in our apt thanks to the assistants!!

Me and Tavon he's been growing his dreads for 4 years. Show this one to Jake please :)
Yoggy land
1. all of my gifts from the family
2.movies we got for Santiagos family
3. i love these guys! they are some of my recent converts - this is where my joy comes from

I cant believe i just talked to you last week! That truly was the best Christmas gift ever! Well, i am trying to think of what to share with you because a lot happened this past week! Santiago is a saint and he made Hawaiian hay stacks for lunch after we were don't talking! it was so yummy! that's the first time i have had them sense i got out here! for Christmas he got me a shoe box full of acorns. haha there are a lot of acorns here and one day i made the comment that when i get stressed, i smash acorns. so he got me a box full. it was funny. Then Christmas night, we ate dinner at our recent convert, Matt's, house. it was really good! we had ham, potatoes and the works. Matt is amazing and he is just making leaps and bounds in the gospel! Everyone looked great and happy on skype! i was so proud of myself for not crying haha i was super happy though to see everyone and it was amazing!
I have had a lot of my prayers answered lately. My testimony of the power of prayer has truly been strengthen and i am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who hears and answers our prayers. I know that we are able to receive person revelation through our communication with Him. I know He is there listening each and every time! we have been praying that we will be able to find YSA and that they will have cars. Last week, we met a lot of YSA who were interested in the gospel and the all had cars. imagine that! There are many other answers that i have received. 
I got a package from the Newman's, she sent some of her amazing toffee! mmm it is good! i thought that very nice of them! also, the girls at the bank sent me down east shirts! so thoughtful of them! i love and miss them! that job was the best job ever! The other day at church we learned about temple. i sure do miss going to the temple i cant wait to go again! it was reminding of the great opportunity that i had to go to Nauvoo and to do baptisms for the dead there. that was an incredible experience. thank you for helping me have that opportunity. Someday we will all have to go there. it is worth it all to be Joseph Smith was and to learn of the Church's history!  
Our mission had a goal of helping 150 souls come unto Christ this month and we were able to help 153! That is a lot of baptisms! Also, in the year 2012 the mission helped more than 1200 people come into the fold of Christ! This mission is incredible and we are so blessed in this mission! thank you so much for the opportunity mom, dad, and all who are helping me be out here. this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! i am so happy! so so happy!
I was reading in Alma the other day and i have a challenge for all of you( it is something that i just finished doing) it was one of the best studies that i have had. Read Alma chapters 23 & 24. It talks about conversion. In Alma 23:7 it states, "... they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God any more..." Choose one, or more, things that are holding you back from having a deeper conversion. Write them on a piece of paper and then "bury" them. I have done this once before and i am now doing it again. its the beginning of a new year tomorrow so its a great opportunity. i know that as i have done this in my life i have been able to feel more of the spirit in my life. and i promise that as you do this, you will have the same happen to you. Heavenly Father will pour our his spirit upon you as you strive to align your will with His. 
Well, its time for me to go grocery shopping! i love you all so much! i hope that you have a fantastic week! i will talk to you in one short week! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
xoxoxox sister johnson


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