Monday, July 23, 2012

This mission is the best mission ever! We set a mission goal to get 100 baptisms by the end of July and we reached 102 baptisms by the 22nd. I know that as we are obedient and strive to do our best that the Lord will help us and pour out blessings upon us. This is proof! We also broke another record last Sunday for the mission and we had a total of 220 investigators at church last Sunday! yaya! The hard work pays off! So one of the members of the YSA ward opened his call the other night and we got to be there. He is going to South Africa! It reminded me of when I opened my call! Great times! And I also found out the Pres. Monson signature is real on my call letter. ha. so maybe you could laminate that for me mom :) just when you get the time. this is crazy to tell you this but... i already know what day i come home. its Dec 19. Just a heads up haha. Its on the transfer board and we always look at it when we go to the office. Sister Andrus and I have a huge white empty wall and so we have started putting all of our pictures up! Its looking pretty good!  I think about Blake all the time and I know that he is doing missionary work on the other side! He's amazing! I love and miss him! Well for my spiritual thought and something I learned this week.... Elder Georgino (from Italy) gave a talk in church on Sunday and this is the story that he shared. There was a man who had a vision and in this vision there was a long long table full of all the food you could ever want to eat. The people around it were skin and bone and looked like they hadn't eaten anything. They had huge forks in their hands. About 4ft forks and they would grab the food and try to eat it but they couldn't because the fork was too long. They were miserable and hungry. The angel told him this is what hell would be like. Then he took him to another place, Heaven, and it was the exact same scene. Long long tables full of any kind of delicious food you could eat everything of. They all had the 4ft fork. But they were healthy looking and it's because they would use the fork to feed one another. I know that as we serve others we will be blessed. I know that we will find great joy in helping others come unto Christ and in serving everyone we meet and know. I am forever in debt to my Savior. He is the way, the only. I owe him my life because he has sacrificed His for me. I know that I am here in Florida for others. Not for me, not for my benefit, not to just say I've been on a mission. I am here to find the elect that have been prepared to hear the gospel! and I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve as a representative of Jesus Christ. Family, I love you all so much! and I think about you everyday! I hope that everything is going well! its sounds like it from the emails and letters! Trust in the Lord! He is always there! I look forward to hearing from you! Just remember you have a daughter and sister in Florida who loves and misses you!  You are the best! until next week :)
all my love, Sister Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is Morgan! I've been trying to email brooke at but it wont go through. Can I get her physical address from someone?
