Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 18, 2012

We got the transfer call last night and...... I am staying in nova YSA and..... my comp is too!! We are really happy and super excited to have another transfer together! i forgot my camera cord so i will be send pics in the mail this week! I am beyond happy for grandpa to go through the temple! This is incredible news!  Its so crazy for me to think that its fall there, everything looks and feels the same here all the time. I've decided that I'm totally okay with that because then I feel like I'm not missing out on anything back home. I think it would be a little bit harder if it felt like fall here right now! We had a zone training this past week and it was really good! It gave us all that boost we needed! We had a small testimony at the end of it and it was prob the most spiritual testimony meeting I have every been at! The spirit was so strong! It was amazing! We also got zone t-shirts! They are pretty cool I will have to send a pic of one! Since I am staying in ysa and no one feeds us, I need to have a few cooking ideas haha. I've been studying Christlike attributes lately. Its been a great thing to study. I have a lot of work cut out for me that's for sure! Tues was the best day because we had a super good teaching day and then I got your package and like 3 letters! It was the best! Storms here are pretty out of control! The thunder pretty much shakes the apt. The storms come and go really fast though. We call it the wall of rain. The other day I was quoting the movie the 'proposal' on one of my favorites, and then I remembered that you me and grandma went to that at the movie theater! Good times for sure! One of the things I've learned since I have been out here is that when someone offers you help, water, or whatever, we accept! God blesses those who serve. So when we let someone serve us, we are helping them receive blessings! When I first got here, I would always say no to help no no no. But then Sister Andrus helped me realize that we need to accept the help when it is presented to us! I read an AMAZING talk in the conference Ensign. Its called 'the why of the priesthood' by Pres Uchtorf. That's how we teach out here. We call it the Why, What, How. We increase their desires, tell them what to do, ask them to keep commitments! Its inspired! I had two really great experiences this week. We were harvesting and we knocking into a mom and her two sons. She let us in and I began to say the harvest blessing (which is just saying a prayer) and I was given the things to say. When we opened our eyes, tears were running down this mothers face. She expressed her gratitude for the prayer I had offered and that I said exactly when she needed to hear. I was so grateful at the moment to have been able to be worthy of the spirit and to have him guide my words! That exact experience happened two more times throughout the week. I know that its because I made a goal to improve my harvest blessings. The Lord helped me improve so that I could better serve him and his children.
It is a challenging decision to make a step into something new and to leave your old life behind to more fully follow the example of Christ. Thank you for having the courage and strength and the desire to do so. 
Oh the title of this email. ha. I have had the song 'we built this city on rock n roll' in my head for about a month now! I find myself singing it every morning when I am getting ready! Its super random! I love you all so much! It makes me happy to hear that everything is going well! Please tell Gina Sheri and Dana thanks for all the letters and emails! I will get around to writing them back asap! I'm really grateful for all of the support I get! It helps me in ways I cant even describe!  i love you i love you i love you! I hope that you have a great week!  LOVE YOU!
xoxoxo sister johnson

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