Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 26, 2013

1. husking my own coconut that I found
2. lunch at Friendlys
3. cupcake stuff from Lani for Valentines Day
Hello family,
Well another week down! Can you believe it? I sure cant! Time is starting to pick back up for me which is really nice! Last week I got an email from Ty with all the updates. I need to write him back-I have become terrible at writing! This week I have been practicing the piano! I can play hymn 142 Sweet Hour of Prayer. My left hand is having a hard time following- you would think that it would be the other way around! still wish I would of stuck it out! Dads never going to let me live that one down ha. This week I asked for a priesthood blessing- I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood! Elder Turek gave me a great blessing through the spirit that has offered me much comfort and strength this week! There is a quote I heard the other day that has taken true meaning in my life it is, "Be where your feet are." I realized a lot of the time my mind was all over the place. Home, at Nova, thinking about p-day.... I have really been striving to stay focused on where I am at! On missionary work and on my investigators. We have two investigators, Chris and Talakia they have five kids and have been together for 19 years but.... they are not married. No big deal right?! We are working on helping them prepare for to be married so that they can continue to prepare for baptism. When I pray it takes up the majority of my conversation with God. I love their family and I pray with all my heart that we can be the instruments in Gods hands that he needs us to be for them right now. This is my first transfer not baptizing. It has been hard because I feel like I know what it takes to help someone prepare for baptism. I know that there are people in this area who are just WAITING! And here I am still trying to work through things so that I can be worthy of the spirit to find them. I know that the only fruit of our labor isn't baptism but, it doesn't mean that it hasn't been challenging to accept that. I cant believe that I am almost half way done with my mission. I really have to make every second count! I am striving to surrender and submit to the will of the Lord. I am giving him all of my heart and mind. ALL of it. That includes EVERYTHING! Its been hard I didn't realize all of the things I was holding onto but, as I have let go and given everything to Him, I have been much happier this week and I have had a more positive out look on all that I do each day. "Change will help people conquer challenges." This is what I am doing. I am making changes!
So funny story... we were knocking doors the other day (I'm sure you are wonder which day since we do that every day all day) haha. it was Thursday. and we were knocking doors and an older women opens the door but leaves the screen door closed still. We pray with her and while my comp is praying I hear something scratching on the door. So I peak and its a cat so I was like what ev. Then we get done praying and are having small talk with her and as I leaned towards the door so I could hear what she was saying I could smell cats. So in my mind I was like "great a cat lady" then we continue to talk to her (about the cat) and she leans in to the door and whispers "there 14 more that live here) I about died! 14 flipping cats! Are you serious?! We finished our convo and were on our way. As we were leaving I noticed she had 5 dogs in the backyard. And she lived with her husband her  daughter.  Talk about full house!
I realized on the 23 of Feb that on that date a year ago I opened my call! That was an exciting day! I still remember when you called dad! I'm so grateful that you all drove down and that I was able to open my call with all my loved ones! I will never forget that! Its exciting that its grandmas bday today! I can't believe shes 80! They have been holding the mail at the office because of transfers tomorrow. I found out that Sis Holyan is training and going to a new area just like me. I hope she comes up here to my area so I can see her more often ha. Sis Andrus goes home in April! I cant believe it. She will be going back to BYU-I. I cant wait til we are all at school together. Its going to be a blast! 
FOOD- my fav right?! on Sunday a member and her son in law and daughter fed all six of us missionaries that are in the ward. It was so good. Its the first steak I've had since I left! MMMMM! was it good! and then we had ice cream cake-even better. Then yesterday we went to lunch with the same 4 elders because one of them is going home tomorrow. We ate a place called Friendlys. Its like a really big ice shop/home town cooking place. But here's my favorite part, they were playing the BEST music ever. dad, any of your fav 80s songs they played it! I was in heaven! Honestly they were playing all of my fav oldies! it was great! oh and on Sunday all 6 of us missionaries sang in sacrament. It actually was really spiritual. The whole ward was crying! Now I just hope we get a lot of referrals haha. 
There was a day this week that I got super irritated with my comp. Longest day of my life! idk what my deal was but everything she did just KILLED me! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Sometimes I just want to scream. Is that bad? holy cow!  But every things great now. We are going to city place mall today! I am really excited! Sis Ellette and I do get along don't get me wrong. and she is teaching me a lot. Like how to learn how to get along with someone. How to work through trials together. its good! Everything is all good! :) Mom thank you for making me go canning with you! They are really pushing that here in RS and I feel like I know quite a bit. You are a really good example for that! You have done a lot for our family (dad you too) to help our family have a supply of food to be prepared! THANK YOU!
Well fam, I sure do love you! Thank you for everything! I can't ever express how grateful I am for each one of you. Have a great week in the cold for me please! I actually miss it. Its been 90 here a few days. So hott! Summers on its way. I will talk to you next Monday! I LOVE YOU!
love sister johnson xoxoxox


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