Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

Dear Missionaries,

Thank you for all you do in this great Mission. You are the best leaders in the world and I know God has called you here at this time to do amazing things. I love when the missionaries write to me and say  “He [she] changed my mission, changed my life“. Our missionaries look up to you, let’s help them get to the next level with “stronger success”.

Love you, I pray for you,

President Don E. Anderson
Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission

 hello family,
So I figured since I will be talking to you in a week, I will kinda keep things short because I am chatting with Jake right now too! Sunday we won't call till after 3 your time. We aren't sure the exact time yet either. Someone will probably call you this week and let you know all the details!
I am beyond excited for Jake! (he was called to the Mexico, Tijuana Mission) he will do great! and the Lord watches over his missionaries so I am not worried about it all! He will love it! its going to be the best two years of his life that's for sure! When I found out where he was going I kinda freaked out with excitement! I am still in shock a little bit too haha but I know that its going to be a blast for him! and the time that he leaves works out great too! I just hope he gets his visa in time!

The DR's went okay.... my hives are getting a little bit better! She basically told me to take zertec every night and see if that helps then she said if not, to come back in ( for less charge thank goodness) and we will have to try some other things. I got a birthday package from Kinzie this week! She sent a lot of fun things and an adorable dress! I will send you pics of it. Its the blue and white one.
I got to see Matt and Santi this week! It was the best! They have become some of my best friends! I love it! Matt told me that he is going to go on a mission! whohoo! He has to wait a year because he just got baptized! But I am so excited! There is nothing better than your recent convert telling you that he's preparing for a mission!
We went to a ward BBQ this week! It was a lot of fun! It reminded me of home because there were all of these little kids running around! and it was good to have some BBQ food! I liked it a lot! the Davie ward is a lot of fun! They are so willing to help with missionary work! its a nice feature! so on Friday we went to Mission Leadership training.  Us four sisters in the pic you saw found out that we are sister training leaders! Sister Steg and I cover the north and the other two sisters cover the the south. Sister Steg and I are over 29 sisters! We will be going on about 2 exchanges a week and trying to maintain our area as well! Its going to be a wild time! I feel really blessed to have this opportunity though! I know that I am going  to really have to rely on the Lord for his guidance so that I can help others. That's all I desire to do! To help others! I will definitely keep you updated on all the details!
I love all of Bri's new fun clothes! I cant wait to talk to you on Sunday! Its going to be the BEST! You will be updated during the week on the details on Sunday. I hope you enjoy the pics that I am sending! I love you all so much! You are incredible!  Talk to you soon! yay!
xoxoxoxox all my love,
sister brooke johnson

1 comment:

  1. You should put your mailing address on your home page. What is it anyway??? Love the Blog!!!
