Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 13, 2013

1. bon fire
2. roasty roasty

Today I write you with my heart! The Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I feel my faith increase each day and my heart fills with gratitude for all the great blessings I have been given. I've been pondering a lot about who I am and who I want to become. I've learned that I do what I can, and what I can't do, I let go of. A talk called The Fourth Missionary has caused me to reflect upon who I am becoming through the atonement of Jesus Christ. "For the most part, your life is yet ahead of you. What will you do with it? What will be your greatest work? What will be your most important creation? Your greatest work your most important creation is and will ever be you." I've come to a deep realization that one of the most important creations I will make is to make something of myself. Of this spiritual and physical gift that God has so freely given me. I know that as I do this, as I experience personal conversion, I will be able to then help others experience conversion through the atonement of Christ. As I "turn all of my desires, dreams, and wants over to the Lord and give of myself to Him he will make of me a new self in His image." And that is my purpose here in life is to become like my Savior Jesus Christ. He will make of me more than I can ever make of myself. This is something that I have been striving for my entire mission. That is to submit my will to His will for me. Its something I will strive for the rest of my life! When all is said and done, who will I be when I stand alone? What will my personality be, my heart, my thoughts, who will I be?
I found out that I am getting transferred which means.... NEW area and companion! I am excited to find out where iI am going! because I am in leadership I only have three option. kind of only two. Theres YSA in Miami (which is where I want to go) or opening a new area up north. The third one is to be with Sis Steg again in Fort Lauderdale but because we have already been together before  and so recent I don't think we will be together again. We will see what the Lord has in store for me this time! Its always good though! Sis Tuai and I have had a great week. We were blessed with that family that came to church last week. Its a mom, dad, and three kids. They are amazing. Its the first whole family I have ever taught. They are so welcoming and are so willing to learn more about the restored gospel.
It sounds like it what quite the fananza this past week! I'm proud of Jordan for selling the lamb that's great! I will always remember the fair parade and fair time as well. They are good uplifting memories and times that shaped my life. I can't believe how fast everyone is growing up and how fast life just keeps on going. It doesn't stop for anything. That's why we have to make time for the things that matter most. If we don't, they just fly by with the winds of life. Jacob is going to be a great missionary! I'm so happy for him! He's changed a lot since I left for my mission. His eyes have been opened and he's grown a lot! He will continue to do so the moment he steps foot into that MTC. The moment I got there I never looked back. Had I, it would of been much more difficult for me.The Lord is always aware of what we need and He send angels to bear us up during those times of change.
Last night we had dinner and a bon fire at the parents home. The mom and her two boys are recent converts. The father and older son are not members. WE LOVE THEM. The dad and I were trying to see who could make the best smore... we both were bad haha the fire hadn't died down yet but I knew we had to go soon so I was trying to make a perfectly gold marshmallow. I've seen a great change take place as we have shown are love to this family. To care about what they care about and to love what they love. As we were waiting for dinner to be finished we tossed the football with the boys. It reminded me of my brothers and how much I love them! Today I will be packing once again. It's crazy to think there's only 36 weeks of my mission left! I wonder if this will be my last area.... we will see! Packing is such a pain. Every time I start I just want to throw away everything I have! I definitely have not been a pack rat cuz I don't have room for anything extra. I would love to get Jakes MTC address asap as well as his email, hopefully you were able to figure that out. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with him preparing! I am praying for him like crazy! I love that kid! He's in for an adventure that's for sure. No more back packing and biking this is the real deal ha. I'm stoked for him!
I have been a failure at writing people and as such, I have gotten no mail lately. You reap what you sow right? Thank you for the package mom! I just got it today! the mail has been slow! I look forward to reading through the BOMs and the journal that you sent! I LOVE YOU MOM DAD JAKE JARED JORD AND BRI! Don't tell Jake this but man I cant wait to have my room back! haha just teasing. Well kinda I definitely call dibs on it! I'm the oldest- its only fair!
Please enjoy the pics! This is my life! and I love it! I hope you all have a FANTASTIC week! I can't wait to tell you where I am next Monday! I love you all so much! Enjoy taking Jake to the MTC give him a big ol hug for me! Take care! Until next week!
all my love, sister brooke johnson

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