Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

Bye bye temple, its no longer in my area
 With Sis Anderson after transfers
In our back yard on Sunday

Are you ready for my update? yay! I'm now serving the Wellington East Area! Its north of where I've been majority of my mission. Its actually just west of where I trained and opened an area in Palm Beach. I'm with Sister Dougal- I lived with her a few months ago! We both came up into this area to white wash. Which means they took the sisters that were here out and put both of us in. The area actually hasn't been opened that long either so is FRESH! We are excited and a little over whelmed as well. This transfer for sister training leaders we are only over 6 companionship's instead of 9 which helps so so much. There were two new sister training leaders called! a fun time for them! Now there is a total of 8 sister training leaders! I am grateful for this opportunity! With great opportunity comes great responsibility! Sis Dougal my new amazing comp is from Battle Ground, Washington! She is SO talented! Every night she sings me a song! So far its been, tangled, hercules, tarzan, my fav church song.... shes amazing. She also wrote a dating book called "Austins guide to girls" I think you can find it on the internet. Her name is Kelli Dougal. She's also on a Mormon message called "power of god". Basically shes famous haha. nah but I am really grateful for her. Living together previously, we know how one another is. We have our differences but, I know we are going to be able to get through them and work hard together. We have the same family line up as well. Her brother is serving in Guatemala right now. Our new area has a lot of rich areas. Its similar to the area of Pines that I just left. We've been praying hard to know where to go to find those who have been prepared!
The new ward seems to be great! there are a lot of families here that used to live in Utah. its a very white ward with a little color! there is a man here who owns McDonald's so we again get free McDonald's... It is a great blessing to be able to  grab it when we need it! When we are on the go its nice! We ate a members home yesterday and she made Hawaiian hay stacks! I couldn't believe it! I was like, "did you talk to my mom? these are my favorite!" it was a tender mercy for sure!
We live with two other sisters! Sis Sablan and Moody. Let me tell you, its a crazy home! haha  We have so much fun! oh ya, We live in a little cute home! Sis Dougal and I park our car in a garage! crazy right? Sis Sablan is so much fun! She has energy and she keeps it lively in the home! Sis Moody had night terrors! they freak me out. all four of us sleep in the same room. she started screaming the other night and i didn't sleep the rest of the night. She's had two since I got here. I'm starting to get used to it though so hopefully it doesn't continue to effect me. It doesn't help that our walls are painted blood red and it drips. I will show you pics next time. They wont let us change the color either. When the lease is up they are moving missionaries out of the home. 
I cant believe Jake leaves for his mission on wed. I feel like he just got his call. It sounds like a lot of people came to support him at his farewell! that's a plus! I'm so excited for him and I'm proud of him for getting out on his mission! mom and dad you must me doing something right to have two missionaries out :) OF COURSE YOU ARE! i love you so much and I'm grateful for all you do for me! i wouldn't have it any other way!
 I will have more updates and info next week! I'm still just trying to get into a routine here and get used to this big change! I am forever grateful for your support, love and advice! thank you for taking the time to write me! i love you family! FOREVER! i hope this week goes well for you! i know it will be a little hard with dropping Jake off but it will be great :) just have faith and keep moving forward! talk to you next week!
love love love love sis brooke johnson

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