Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 26, 2013

1. our little home
2. sports on p-day
3. our awesome investigator we found this week

What a week right? I'm so happy for Jake! I sent him an email today! I know the last time I was in the MTC it was hard to send pics through email and we couldn't print pics any where so I will be excited to see pics of him eventually! He's going to be a BOSS! I'm sure he's just loving it! the MTC food is great (although he's there longer than I was so he will prob get sick of it) and I have full confidence that the Lord has blessed him with a fantastic companion.
All of the pics were lovely! thank you for sending them. i love the one of dad and the boys! they are all about the same height! jord has grown like a weed! I think hugging him when I get back is going to freak me right out haha he's changed so much! sounds like everyone is staying busy with school and work!
Sis Dougal and I had a fantastic week! We are teaching some amazing people! We were blessed to have 4 investigators in sacrament this Sunday and its only our second Sunday here! Getting them to church was a wild time! We are working in an appt complex which has been really nice. On sun morning we went to get two bros (about the same age as Jake and Jared). As soon as we got to the door it started pouring rain. Their ride from a member was a good block and a half away..... so we ran in the rain with them to the members car. I'm sure you are wondering, "Why didn't the member just get them from their appt?" Well.... its a gated community and we have to 'sneak' in every time so we don't have a password for the gate so theres no way we could get a member in there. Anyways... we run them to the car in the rain and go back for another investigator. We get him (hes prob in his 40s) and start running back to the car. It was quite the scene. haha. Two sisters running through the rain with their investigators. It was great and a huge miracle and blessing at that! Then after church we went and ate at the Oaks for dinner! It was the BEST! they are an amazing family. They actually met on their mission haha it was a great story I loved it. She made homemade bread with a bouche and it made me think of your mom! She makes it the same way you do!  That made me feel right at home. We were there for a while. We helped with dinner then after we ate, Sis Dougal sang while Sis Oaks played the piano (she graduated from BYU in the piano performance program) so needless to say I got my own little amazing concert on Sunday. and I love music so I was in heaven! It was very enjoyable to be at their home. Our new ward here is pretty grand! I thought my last ward was awesome but this one might top it off ;) okay truth is I love everywhere I go!  I went on exchanges with my trainee this week! it actually went really well! We were able to have a fun time. She said she feels more comfortable around me now and that shes not afraid of me anymore... that's a plus! That training experience for me is something that I learned a lot from and something that I will never forget!
I hope as a family you can feel the blessings that come through Jake's and I service. I know I have felt the blessings this past week from Jake's service. The lord has promised our family specific blessings through missionary service. This past week my comp and I have strived to have an attitude of gratitude and its made all the difference! I invite you to do the same. Pay attention to the small and big blessings that God is giving our family, then immediately offer a prayer of gratitude in your heart as you see the blessing! I know we feel the spirit more often as we show the Lord that we see His hand in our every day lives!
Feel free to send Jake and I the same email if you want or what ever works... I'm not too picky. as long as I hear how everyone is I'm a happy camper! He needs the mail more than I do! I'm sending him a package today as well so I hope that makes him happy!
I  hope you all have a great week! I love you to the moon and back! I am so grateful for each one of you and all you do for me! I have the best family ever! and of course I let everyone here know it!

love sis johnson

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