Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

 Shaking the hand of an apostle of the Lord

 At the ocean. This is Sister McKay, she lives with us.

 Oreo Cheesecake!!!!

 Missionaries (about 180)   Click on photo to see full view!!


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This week was amazing! Especially hearing from Elder Dallin H. Oaks. All of us missionaries were sitting together for the picture and as he walked in the spirit filled the room so powerfully and quickly. It was amazing. I know that he is called of God and that he is a modern day apostle of the Lord's chosen prophet, Thomas S. Monson. Shaking his hand was amazing as well-I couldn't believe it! My friend Gina got a really good pic of it! I am so grateful for her! His message was great! Some of the main points were temples, holy ghost, testimony, and our life long calling of serving the Lord. I learned a lot and took great notes. He talked a lot about a missionary release and how we need to continue to do missionary work after our missions. He made a lot of funny comments too. While talking about a missionary release he said "we need to be prepared for our releases. I know that mine involves a mortician." he also made some good/funny comments about dating and hanging out. He said that "hanging out isn't a sin but that it is really close to one." I am really grateful for the opportunity that I had to learn at the feet of an apostle. Sis Dougal and I sat front and center! It was fantastic! It was my last time seeing Sister Tuia! I was really sad! It's hard to leave and to see others leaving as well. She gave the closing prayer at the conference and was just crying. I fear my time is not too far around the corner. I am excited to see Sister Tuai again after the mission! We learned a lot together!

I feel bad that Jake got so sick this past week. I am anxious to hear from him this week to see if he is doing better or not. I pray that he is! I got a Halloween card from Sheri this week. Her and Kirk have always been so good at sending cards to us every holiday no matter where we are! It's very thoughtful of them! I also got a package from Aunt Bobbie and Grandma Johnson with a bunch of homemade goodies and a cute scarf! I am grateful for them and all they do to support us missionaries! Sis Dougal and I just love our ward here to pieces! They are amazing. It is true dad, every area becomes my favorite! I have so much love in my heart for the members of the ward here! We have been making cookies and taking them to the leaders to express our gratitude and it has really strengthened our relationships with them. We also have been committing families to hold family prayer. And I encourage our family to do the same. I have seen the difference it makes in the lives of parents and children. It is something so simple. I know that as you do our family with receive unity and strength within our relationships. Sister McDougal (RS Pres) took us to Cheese Cake Factory this week! It was so yummy! We all got our own piece of cheesecake too! We were in heaven! That is only my second time eating there! We had a family invite us to there home for Christmas. It was a bitter sweet thought to think that I won't be here then. The mother on the family reminds me a lot of Dana we told them that Sis Dougal didn't even know if she would be here then. The mission has transfers on the 18th so people will be moved around right before Christmas this year. This Friday is our wards trunk or treat! We are excited to go! It will be fun to get some of our investigators there too! :) They are doing dinner and games! This past week we helped with the relief society lesson and the teacher gave us a whole bag of candy for helping. Just what we need right? ha. That's okay we will share it with a lot of people!

This Sunday my heart filled with joy as I watched our recent convert, Mario, pass the sacrament for the first time. Mario is incredible. He has had a lot of experiences in his life that have helped him to build a strong relationship with the Savior. As he passed the sacrament, he had the biggest grin on his face and the up-most reverence for what he was doing. They asked him to help a minute before sacrament started and he did a fantastic job. There is no greater happiness that comes than seeing someone embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ into their lives and to apply the atonement of Christ into their lives. What was a blessing on top of that was that Mario brought his niece with him to service. Before we found Mario we were teaching her but her mother didn't want them to meet with us. Then we found Mario and its made all the difference. We pray that the mothers heart will continue to be softened and that their family will be able to come unto Christ through baptism because of the example that Mario is setting.
This past p-day we went to the ocean and down town Palm Beach. It was a lot of fun! A member took us! She does a lot for us missionaries. She is in the other ward that meets in our chapel! This p-day we don't know what we are doing yet. We might play sports with the elders or carve pumpkins. We are for sure going to buy white shirts for Mario because he doesn't have any. It will be a great day! We have lots of knocking to do tonight. We are really trying to find! We haven't baptized this month and so we are working hard to find! We know they are here there is no doubt!

I am happy that the boys got their elk! That was a quick hunt! Yeah for jerky! I miss that!  I hope that everyone has another great week! I know Jake and I will on our missions! It's definitely not peaches-n-cream all the time but pretty dang close! I LOVE YOU! Talk to you next week!
sis johnson

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