Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 15, 2012

Hey Family-

So I thought that i would answer your questions first and then tell you about my awesome week!
 -What did you do the last couple of p-days? last couple of pdays we have just relaxed, made cookies, written letters, and last pday we went to the mall. no i didn't buy anything haha. that's prob the first time i have ever been to a mall and not gotten anything! i was proud of myself!
-  Bri learned about the Bermuda Triangle in school this week.  It is south of Florida.  She thought of you!
    It is a dangerous place, on an island.  Many people have died there.I'm not sure what island you are talking about... the keys? it is a pretty dangerous place down there that's why the sisters don't have an area there. i would like to visit there someday. i have heard it is soo pretty and i want to see the 7 mile bridge  
-  Do you ride your bike very much?  Are you still walking as much? we never bike. our area cover a whole stake so its huge! none of our investigators live near our apt so its almost impossible for us to bike and get anything done. we haven't had to walk as much lately because we are planning out our miles more wisely now! every time we drive by where we would walk 6 miles a day i am very grateful for a car! 
-  Are you still learning some spanish? a little bit, but not as much. i can testify and have a very small small convo in spanish.
-  The yogurt looks very good.... the yogurt is super yummy. we go once a week!
-  Do you read your scriptures? i read my scriptures every day for 30min. sometimes when i have more time i read for longer. i love the book of mormon so much. it has changed who i am and i know that it the word of God! how is your studying and reading going? where are you at right now?
-  Tell your companion Hi from us!! sister andrus says hello! :)
-  Have you seen anymore spiders or lizards? we see them all the time 24/7 they are just part of living here i guess haha
-   How was bowling? bowling was a blast! we had a lot of fun and i wish we had time and money to go more often! i bowled a 90ish and then i cant remember the other ones. we played about three games and then went and ate at olive garden! my favorite!
-  did you know we love you? yes i know you love me! and i love you all sooo much!
-  Bri wants to know if you get any candy?  or food from people you like? mmm not really the only thing we get from people is water which is nice because its always so hott outside
-  Is there a Deseret Book there? sadly, no :(
Thank you for asking all the questions! I had fun answering them and it gave me something to write about! I am so glad that I have my cook book! i have some friends from here adding me on facebook so when you get the time can you please add them.  for pday today, we are going to crystals! i am so excited! we are just going to hang out! i am excited for you to meet her someday! she can out with us this week and she is an amazing missionary! its hard to believe that she was baptized only two weeks ago! shes basically been a member for a while now though! her dad came to church with her on Sunday and we are so excited for her family! i would love to hear more about how the temple was. i am sure it was a wonderful experience. i had a dream about grandma the other night but when i woke up i couldn't remember what had happened. i want to thank you all for the prayers that you send my way. i feel your prayers and there are many blessings that are happening and i know its from your faith and your prayers on my behalf.
We have had another incredible week. i love being a missionary! i love love love it! serving others is the best thing ever! now i know why when people say when you are feeling down you should go serve! i know that's true. when i have hard days and i go out and serve, i come home so happy and grateful for all that i have been given. peoples living conditions here are really sad. there is the nice part of Florida but my comp and i work in the less rich areas. people here are more kind and humble. everyday i am just so grateful for the gospel, my family, my home, and my friends. i don't know how some people live the way they live. But i know that the gospel of Jesus Christ can and will change their lives forever and i feel so blessed to share what i know and have with them. thank you for all that you do for me. your love and support is much appreciated! i love you so so so much and cant even begin to express my gratitude to you for all that you do for me.also, next week is transfers so i will be emailing on tues. this transfer was 5 weeks instead of 6 because they are making it so the creole elders aren't coming in mid transfer.
we had a baptism on Sunday! it was amazing! Anderson is a great guy and he has a lot going for him! it was an answer to my prayers that he was baptized! we taught him for about three weeks. he comes to church every Sunday and is very active in all of the activities! i am excited for him and looking forward to seeing him progression in the gospel!
well fam, sorry this is a crazy, and shortish letter. if there's one thing that i want you to get from this letter its that i love you. i really do. i feel so blessed to be out here and to be having this experience. the mission is helping me become who i need to be for me, for all of you, and for my future family. the lord is shaping me into who he expects me to be. sometimes is painful, I'm not going to lie, but its always worth it for me. I know that Jesus Christ lives. He lives and extends his love and mercy to us on a daily basis as we turn to him for guidance and direction. I know the plan of salvation is real. it is what we are here for, its our plan. i love the temple and i cant wait to go back! (the temple here is progressing so fast i most def will prob be able to go before i come home) i know that our family is forever as we continue to do our best! i love you all and cant wait to hear from you next week!
all of my love xoxox, sister johnson

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