Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012

Johnson Clan,

We have transfers tomorrow and i found out that i am staying but, sister andrus, my comp, is being transferred. i am a little nervous because i don't feel ready to take over an area but i know that the Lord will help me. i have so much to tell you from this past week and such a short amount of time to share it! Dad, last week you were talking about how you worked in the office. There was a missionary here that created a comp program called establishing Zion and so we do everything electronically. That's why there are only senior couple that work in the office. its an amazing program and i guess we are the only mission that uses it. we are super blessed here. this weekend we also had stake conference! it was so good! Elder Choi from the quorum of the seventy came and spoke. His son is companions with Nate in Australia right now, small world right? So i went and shook Elder Choi's hand and talked with him for a bit. He gave powerful talks (there was a youth session that we got to go to) and i learned a lot from him. we also found out some amazing news about our mission. This is what President Anderson said in our e-mail this morning, "We just got word last week that the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission is the highest baptizing Mission in the United States and Canada. This hasn’t happened out of the Utah Missions in a long time I am told. What an honor to know that you missionaries are working so hard and reaping such great miracles in finding the elect of God. I wasn’t going to announce this because we shouldn’t compare with others, but General Authorities are telling other leaders and I rather you hear it from me. Remember God’s hand is in this work and he has poured out his Spirit to make us instruments in His hands. You are amazing missionaries and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of your Mission." i was really excited when we heard that news! i am so blessed to be in this mission! i love it here! i love the people, the missionaries, everything! On Saturday night, our friend Jaeuk, hes from Korea, taught us how to make sushi! it was really fun and super yummy. i didn't like it at first but it has grown on me and i like sushi. weird huh? there are these twin brothers in our branch named Dom and Devon and they are artists. they painted me a beautiful painting of a temple. its the salt lake city and fort lauderdale temple compinded! haha they are really creative! will be sending the pic so that you can see it! i will also be sending the painting home sometime...
We meet people all the time out here who don't have parents, don't know where there parents are, only have one parent.... its extremely sad. I am so grateful for all of you and the love and support that you offer me. i know that our family life can be really tough at times but i would take that any day over not having anyone. I love each one of you and i know that through Jesus Christ, our family can continue to grow in love for one another and that we will be able to become more unified! i have the best family ever and i cant thank you enough for all that you bless me with! on a spiritual note...

hymn 277 says " as i search the holy scriptures, help me ponder and obey. In thy word is life eternal; may thy light show me the way." I have developed a deep love for the scriptures sense i have been out here. I especially love reading from the Book of Mormon. I am taught daily from the spirit as a study and think about the things that i am reading! i know that the Book of Mormon offers guidance and direction in our lives to help us know how we can become better. In Alma 37:37 it states, "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings and he will direct thee for good..." as a have combined prayer with my studies, i have been able to receive direction while i have been out here. weather it be direction from my mission or for the future. I know that we can receive personal revelation. it is one of the greatest blessings we have been given. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers each one of our sincere prayers. we met a member of the family ward the other day who has two children who are YSA age who are less active. she desires more than anything for her children to become active and to follow Jesus Christ. She invited us over yesterday and we made cookies with her and got to know her less active daughter. as we left i recognized her pure desire for her children to have the blessings of the gospel. i know without a doubt that Heavenly Father hears her desperate cry for her children. And i know that her prayers will be answered. Heavenly Father knows each one of us individually. He know what we need. "He has given us everything that we love. Every crazy color, every feeling, emotion...everything that inspires us comes directly from Him." I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who helps me find happiness in each and everyday! "The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever." (alma 37:46)
I love you family! thank you for the emails, letters, packages, love, and support. I couldn't do it without you and i mean it! i am forever grateful for the example that you set for me and the encouragement that you offer to me! i look forward to hearing from you! i hope that you have an amazing week! i cant believe that it snowed!!! its so hott here. i sweat, sweat, and sweat some more! although the mornings have been getting a little bit cooler which is really nice. sister andrus and i walk every morning! Well take care family! I will e-mail you next week!!
xoxoxo sister johnson

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