Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 5, 2013

 Display for Lovely's YW night on Wednesday

 On our way to the temple


I'm sure you are all anxious, as am I, to find out about transfers! I found out that I will be staying in my area (which is awesome because I love it here) and I will be getting a new companion! I am excited to see who it will be! I will be helping her become a sister training leader which will be a good time! Sister Dougal is really sad that she is leaving.  I know that she will be great where ever she goes though! 

Dad I can't wait for you to meet my most recent convert. He's about your age and he's the funniest man ever! He has really just received the gospel and ran with it! He is almost finished with the Book of Alma! He studies all of the time! He is a wonderful example to me! Because of his desire to come closer to Christ he is being a great example to his sister and her kids (who he lives with) and his niece has been coming to church and taking the lessons! She so wants to be baptized but shes 10 so we have to get her mothers permission which is not so easy in this case! Keep them in your prayers please! 
Halloween was fantastic! Just a regular day of missionary work! I was hoping people would give us candy after we met with them but at the same time I am glad they didn't. ha. I don't need it! We got home at 8 (we had to come home early) and I turned off all the lights because we had forgotten to buy candy. We live in a good neighborhood so I knew kids would be going around. We beat the other sisters home and I thought I had heard them outside so I turned the light on for them. All of a sudden I get a ring at the door bell, then a knock, and then a "trick or treat" I figured it was the sisters just being silly so I swung open the door and all I see are 6 cute little kids.... mmm hmmm. So I told them to wait a sec and Sis Dougal and I started raiding our food closet. We had no candy. We ended up giving them pop corn and cake mix. I'm ashamed of myself haha. I didn't know what else to do. Lesson learned! It made for a great laugh though and I will never forget that either!

Also this week, Sis Dougal and I fulfilled the challenge that our bishop left with us. He told us to knock on a door and as soon as the opened to start singing "As I Have Loved You". He was challenged to do that in his mission (he served in Mexico) and saw great blessings from doing so. You could try it out Jake :) anyways... so there's Sister Dougal and I, we decided to sing on the last door we knocked on for the day. A nice white woman opened and we started singing! Before the door opened we were freaking out! I don't think I have sweat that much in my life! She received it really well and we were able to leave a prayer with her and her friends. On Sunday I bore my testimony about that experience! About the importance of having faith over fear! God is hastening His work and as member of the church we need to have faith that our friends will accept our invitations to draw closer to Christ! I hope our family is still working on fulfilling Elder Ballard's challenge of finding someone by Christmas! It's very humbling to hear others pray for our family. Whether it be at an investigators home, members home or any one we visit, they always pray for our families and thank God for the sacrifices you are making to allow us to be here. Just know all that you do never goes unnoticed! I'm so grateful for all that each one of you do for our family! I know that God has blessed us with so much. and where much is given much is required! 

Tomorrow Lovely will be getting a YW ribbon! We've been working so hard to help her finish integrity. For her display she is showing pics of us because her 10 hr project was to do missionary work with us! It's adorable! I used the stand you gave me mom (check out the pic). We are really proud of her she has come a long ways since we have been working with her! 

Today we are going to the temple to help clean! I am so excited! It will be my first time in the temple since I left and I am excited to be helping so that it can be finished! I will for sure have to come back when it's done! 

Well I think that's about it for the week! It's been a great one! We are headed down to Ft Laud to go to the temple from 1-5! I love all of you! so very much! Thank you for all you do for me! Talk to you soon!

xoxo sis johnson 

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